Here's an example snippet that will replace a character based from a specific index. Source: DreamInCode To use it in your program do it like this: // Replaces a character in a string with the character specified. void replaceCharWithChar( ref string text, int index, char charToUse) { char [] tmpBuffer = text.ToCharArray(); buffer[index] = charToUse; text = new string (tmpBuffer); } //IN YOUR MAIN MODULE/FUNCTION. //money has comma, example: $2,000, 4 BR, 180 m² //LandPriceBedroom = "$120, 2 BR, 90 m²"; //IF COMMA OCCURS MORE THAN TWO, REPLACE THE FIRST //COMMA WITH SPACE. SINCE IT COULD BE A MONEY W/ //THOUSANDS SEPARATOR if (LandPriceBedroom.Split( ',' ).Length > 3) { int firstIndexComma = LandPriceBedroom.IndexOf( "," ); replaceCharWithChar( ref LandPriceBedroom, firstIndexComma, ' ' ); }