
Showing posts with the label Oracle


Pivot Or Crosstab SQL Query Example

Based from Visual Basic Forums, I learned a tip on using Crosstab/Pivot queries. This is presented with SQL Server Execution Plan. It's better to use the concept of the second one compared with the first one. SELECT SUM ( CASE WHEN DATEDIFF( DAY , upload_package_received_date, GETDATE()) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS Today, SUM ( CASE WHEN DATEDIFF( DAY , upload_package_received_date, GETDATE()) <= 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS Last_Week, SUM ( CASE WHEN DATEDIFF( DAY , upload_package_received_date, GETDATE()) <= 30 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS [30 Days Ago] FROM temp_uploadpackage Second Example SELECT ( SELECT COUNT (1) FROM temp_uploadpackage WHERE DATEDIFF( DAY , upload_package_received_date, GETDATE()) = 0) AS Today, ( SELECT COUNT (1) FROM temp_uploadpackage WHERE DATEDIFF( DAY , upload_package_received_date, GETDATE()) <= 7) AS Last_Week, ( SELECT COUNT (1) FROM temp_uploadpackage WHERE DATEDIFF...

How To Count Duplicate Or Repeating Records From Union All Query In SQL

Here's a query to count number of repeating records based from union all query. Union all query does not remove duplicate records. Here's a sample script: select resultsduplicate.url as job_item, count (resultsduplicate.url) as repeat_occurence from ( SELECT url FROM mainTable where id = 47 and url like '' and _active = 1 UNION ALL SELECT url FROM detailTable where id = 47 and url like '' and _active = 1 )resultsduplicate group by resultsduplicate.url having ( count (resultsduplicate.url) >1); Original Source From (

Setup SQL Developer To Connect To A MySQL Database

1. Download sql developer from oracle site 2. Copy sql developer to drive C:\ 3. Copy msvcr71.dll to %WinDir%\System32 [reference:] msvcr71.dll is located in: [sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\bin\msvcr71.dll] 4. Download mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar zip file from this site: Download MySQL connector Java 5. Extract mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar in sql developer lib folder: C:\Users\gnesguerra\Downloads\sqldeveloper-\sqldeveloper\lib 6. Setup sql developer to connect to mysql database using the tutorial from this site: Starting from Setting it Up Paragraph: Configuring SQL Developer for MySQL    6.1 Click Choose Database button below Port label.    6.2 Beside the Choose Database button, select the database you want to connect to from the dropdown control.    6.3 Zero Date Handling should be set to null    6.4...

Linux, Free BSD, Oracle articles

Here's a site from a friend of mine containing series of topics on Linux and open source softwares.
