
Showing posts with the label WPF Resource Dictionary


XmlDataProvider With TwoWay Binding In WPF

Hello, Here's a simple example of two-way binding in WPF using XMLDataProvider. This post is taken from John Papa's example in MSDN magazine years ago but with minor errors. The XMLDataProvider markup has color values and is declared inside Window.Resources node. <Window.Resources> <XmlDataProvider x:Key= "MoreColors" > <x:XData> <colors xmlns= '' > <color name= "pink" /> <color name= "white" /> <color name= "black" /> <color name= "cyan" /> <color name= "gray" /> <color name= "magenta" /> </colors> </x:XData> </XmlDataProvider> </Window.Resources> The Textbox control's Text Text property binding has been set to TwoWay so when you enter a color name it will be added as a ListBox Item. <Grid> <StackPanel> <TextBlock Width= "248" Height= "24...

How To Reference A Converter Class In A Resource Dictionary In WPF

Good evening all! Given that you have a Resource Dictionary file that has a Style property that will use a Converter class for Binding, the steps to reference that class are as follows. Assuming that you have a converter class such as an EmployeeTargetConverter: namespace EmployeeManagement { public class EmployeeTargetConverter : IValueConverter { public object Convert ( object value , Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { //converter codes here..... } public object ConvertBack ( object value , Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } } To reference that class, you must include the namespace of that project in the ResourceDictionary element. <ResourceDictionary xmlns= "" xmlns:x= "

Add Reference To WPF Merged Resource Dictionary In Window.xaml

Good evening guys! Here's how to add reference to WPF Merged Dictionary in Window.xaml. <Window.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <!--resource dictionary is placed in folder--> <ResourceDictionary Source= "/ResourceDictionaries/RoundedButton.xaml" /> <!--dictionary is inside WPF project--> <!--<ResourceDictionary Source="RoundedButton.xaml" /> --> </ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> </ResourceDictionary> </Window.Resources>
