
Showing posts with the label Windows 11


Adobe Photoshop 2021 Or Adobe Illustrator 2021 Lagging And High CPU Utilization 100% In Windows 11

Hello and Good day! I installed both Adobe Photoshop 2021 and Adobe Illustrator 2021 to my new laptop it's because my wife has background in Graphics Design which is helpful in her t-shirt business. Aside from that, she's also helping her sister-in-law's cake business by creating toppers and related decorations. After few hours of using both AI and Photoshop, she noticed that my laptop's temperature suddenly increase, the softwares response time becomes slow, sometimes the applications stops running and the CPU utilization sky rocketed to 100%. CPU Utilization maxed out to 100% if either Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop is opened or both. After searching the internet and trying out recomended solutions like resetting preferences, uninstall/re-install the software and other accepted answers;the solution that worked for me was to delete these two files specifically CoreSync.exe and CCXProcess.exe . Before deleting these files, make sure to end these processes from ...

How To Split Monitor Screen Into Multiple Columns Or Sections Or Divisions In Windows 11

Hello, After my seminar on Windows 11 features, I have learned something interesting that most programmers need to enhance productivity and that is partitioning the screen into multiple columns or sections. Split-screen is a new feature that will allow the user to open multiple applications at once without have to toggle many times over. Each section can now be allocated to application that will positively increase productivity for working professionals or students alike. Before, dividing your screen is possible but only limited to two parts for two applications. However, with the new Windows 11 Snap Layout feature, this will allow the users to divide the screen more that two parts concurrently. The first option is using the Windows 11 built in feature called Snap Layout. First is to enable the Snap Layout Windows by opening Settings -> System -> Multitasking. Once the Snap Windows is toggled on, you may hover over the maximize button on any windows application. A pop-up ...

How To Test Or Check Dead Pixels And Backlight Bleed On Your Monitor Using Dead Pixel Checker In Windows 11

Hello, When purchasing a brand new monitor or laptop, it is recommended to check first common monitor issues like dead pixels or backlight bleeding before closing the transaction with the physical store or online shop. One of the existing tools that I comes in handy and I use most of the time is the Dead Pixel Checker by DVANA that is hosted from Microsoft Store that can be installed on Windows 10 or 11 devices. I also recommend this app to my friends instead of the online tools because some of our local computer stores here in Cebu does'not have WIFI connections for us customers to hook up with. To use the software, download and install that in your machine. Once installed, click the Start Testing button to perform the diagnostic test. Your entire monitor screen will be filled first with red and then you may use the left or right cursor keys to select the other pre-defined colors of the tool such as green, blue, white and black to check any issues that may occur. Here...
