
Showing posts with the label WebBrowser


How To Set Overlay On Top Of A WPF WebBrowser Or WebView2 Control

Good day! A common scenario to our projects is to use the Overlay concept that is, show a nearly transparent modal on top of our form. I have been using the code below to create an Overlay using just a Border and a TextBlock but to no avail, it just won't sit right on top of the WebBrowser control. In the picture right next to the Border control snippet, only the input controls are covered by the overlay and ignoring the WebBrowser control. <Border BorderBrush= "Black" BorderThickness= "1" Background= "#80000000" Visibility= "{Binding Path=IsBusy, Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibilityConverter}}" Grid.RowSpan= "4" Grid.ColumnSpan= "3" > <Grid> <TextBlock TextAlignment= "Center" Margin= "0" TextWrapping= "Wrap" Width= "500" Text= "{Binding Path=OverlayMessage}" HorizontalAlignment= "Center" VerticalAlignment= "...

WPF WebBrowser Control Not Rendering External HTML Content Properly

Good day Team, I'm currently working on a project to show some information about settings to a WPF WebBrowser control. The project also has the ability to produce a report in an .html file that can be viewed through the browser by the clients. Upon comparing the results from both the .html file and the file rendered to the webbrowser, I noticed that the html file is broke when rendered. Some of the borders are missing and some of the colors are not reflecting. Upon doing some research, I found a solution that is to change the meta tag to use the MS edge engine. When I verified my code to dynamically generate the html file, I noticed that the code to set the meta tag uses plain text/html content such as the code below. private void WriteOpenMainTags( string prevFile, string currFile, ref StringBuilder openMaintags) { openMaintags.AppendLine( "<!DOCTYPE HTML>" ); openMaintags.AppendLine( "<html>" ); openMaintags.AppendLine( "...

Login To Facebook Account Using C#, Webbrowser And LINQ

Hi, Here's how to login to your facebook account using Webbrowser control and LINQ in Windows Forms. The input elements are checked through their attributes like "email" for email fields, "password" for password fields and "submit" for submission control. These codes are inside the DocumentCompleted event. C# code WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName( "input" ).Cast<HtmlElement>().FirstOrDefault(t => t.GetAttribute( "type" ) == "email" ).SetAttribute( "value" , "your email address" ); WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName( "input" ).Cast<HtmlElement>().FirstOrDefault(t => t.GetAttribute( "type" ) == "password" ).SetAttribute( "value" , "your user name" ); WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName( "input" ).Cast<HtmlElement>().FirstOrDefault(t => t.GetAttribute( "type" ) == "submit" ).I...

Using Microsoft.mshtml With The WebBrowser Control In C#

Hello and Good Evening When working with a WebBrowser to extract information from a webpage, the most common classes that are probably used to traverse or navigate it's DOM are from the System.Windows.Forms namespace such as HtmlDocument, HtmlElementCollection and etc. Another way to navigate and traverse the DOM of the WebBrowser's HTMLDocument is using the Microsoft.mshtml namespace which contains interfaces for the rendering engine of Internet Explorer. So to access those interfaces and in your application, add reference to Microsoft.mshtml. In the code sample below, set alias for the Microsoft.mshtml namespace. You need to explicitly specify the namespace of a class or interface as MSHTML since Windows.Forms also have same class names with the former. And one thing to remember is that, empty results in mshtml does not yield nulls. Instead, it produces DBNull value. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 using MSHTML = mshtml; //set namespace alia...

WebBrowser How To Fire Click Event Of Input Submit Element In C# And VB.NET

Given in a webpage there are several input elements and you want to fire the click event of an input element of type submit, here's how to do it using the Webbrowser control. C# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 HtmlElementCollection htmlElementCollection = new HtmlElementCollection(); if (WebBrowser1.Document != null ) { htmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName( "input" ); if (htmlElementCollection != null && htmlElementCollection.Count > 0) { foreach (HtmlElement element in htmlElementCollection) { if (element.GetAttribute( "value" ).Equals( "Submit" )) { element.InvokeMember( "click" ); } } } } VB.NET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Dim htmlElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection If (WebBrowser1.Document IsNot Nothing ) Then With WebBrowser1.Document htmlElem...

Webbrowser GetAttribute("class") Method Not Working

When working with Webbrowser's GetAttribute() method, you often encountered an issue wherein GetAttribute("class") does not work as expected. 1 2 3 if (Element.GetAttribute( "class" ).Contains( "_textFontColor" )) { //other codes here } After investigating from MSDN docs, I found out a comment below the documentation which states that you have to use className instead of class. Well, that did the trick. :-) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 HtmlElementCollection elements = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName( "A" ); foreach (HtmlElement Element in elements) { if (Element.GetAttribute( "className" ).Contains( "_textFontColor" )) { //other codes here } } HtmlElementCollection elements = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName( "a" ); foreach (HtmlElement Element in elements) { if (Element.GetAttribute( "className" ).Contains( "_textFontColor" ))...

WebBrowser Click Html Element With data-id Attribute

Here's how you click an <li> element with data-id attribute. Given that the element's behavior includes navigating to another page. VB.NET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 If webBrowser1.Document IsNot Nothing Then Dim elems As HtmlElementCollection = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName( "li" ) For Each elem As HtmlElement In elems Dim nameStr As String = elem.GetAttribute( "data-id" ) If ((nameStr IsNot Nothing ) And (nameStr.Length <> 0)) Then If nameStr = "5" Then elem.InvokeMember( "click" ) End If End If Next End If C# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 if (webBrowser1.Document != null ) { HtmlElementCollection elems = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName( "li" ); foreach (HtmlElement elem in elems) { String nameStr = elem.GetAttribute( "data-id" );...

Webbrowser Control Imitate Internet Explorer Behavior

Hi, Lately, I was given a task from a client if I can update my VB.NET crawler scripts with a webbrowser control to show/render images of the crawled website to the control. Normally, I used the control just to obtain the web page source and then parse the necessary information. By default, the settings of the webbrowser control is IE7. After doing some reseach, I stumbled upon a solution by Noseratio on IE Feature Control Hacks . The documentation for browser emulation can be found on MSDN: MSDN Browser Emulation . I uploaded a sample VB.NET application here: WebBrowser Control Similar to IE Browser Sample Result: Cheers! :)

Loop Through HTML Elements Using GeckoFX WebBrowser

Hello, Below are snippets on how to loop through HTML Elements Using GeckoFX WebBrowser both in C# and VB.NET. C#: 1 2 3 4 5 //Note: this.DomDocument is a class which inherits the GeckoWebBrowser control foreach (GeckoElement element in this .DomDocument.GetElementsByTagName( "span" )) { //some codes here } VB.NET: 1 2 3 4 'Note: this.DomDocument is a class which inherits the GeckoWebBrowser control For Each element As GeckoElement In Me .DomDocument.GetElementsByTagName( "span" ) 'some codes here Next

WPF Webbrowser Loop Through Html Elements And Submit

A question was raised on vbforums on how to invoke click a button using WPF webbrowser control. This sample loads page and writes a sample text on the textbox and then invoking the click button. HTMLDocument document = (HTMLDocument)wbGetHost.Document; foreach (IHTMLElement myelem in document.getElementsByTagName( "input" )) { if ( != null ) { if ( "lst-ib" ) && myelem.className.Equals( "lst lst-tbb" ) && !document.documentElement.innerHTML.ToLower().Contains( "wikipedia" )) { HTMLInputElement el = myelem as HTMLInputElement; el. value = "Bill Gates" ; HTMLInputElement searchButton = (HTMLInputElement)document.all.item( "btnK" , 0);; break ; } } } Greg

WebBrowser Control In Windows Forms Has Different Document Text Value On Different Computers

We encountered a problem where in a web crawler doesn't run on a remote server, but run perfectly on a local machine. The crawler utilizes the web browser control from microsoft. The problem turns out that the local machine's IE browser is version 9 and the remote server has IE 8. The solution was to re deploy the exe file to another remote server that has IE 9. Cheers!

Webbrowser Control Not Displaying Webpage (No Internet Connection Message)

In one of our codes, we used web browser to scrape data. Recently, the webbrowser control can't display the webpage. The error states that THERE IS NO INTERNET CONNECTION. The solution was to Clear History of Internet Explorer Browser..(cookies/passwords/forms/temporary internet files) Cheers!

Posting Data To WebBrowser Control In C#

Good day! Basically, it is possible to post data to web browser control using C#. The code below, was referenced from MSDN, but i slightly modified some of it's functionalities. string url = "" ; string postData = String.Format( "city=DC&Page={0:00}" ,pageNum); byte [] Post = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData ); string AdditionalHeaders = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ; //wbSample is the web browser control //the WebNavigate method is just a simple method i created //which simply assigns url to the browser, the post data and additional headers WebNavigate(wbSample , ListURL, "" , Post, AdditionalHeaders);
