
Showing posts from July, 2012


Limit Flickering On Winforms In C#

Here's the snippet to limit flicker in forms. Put it above the initialize component method in your constructor. //limit flicker SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true ); InitializeComponent(); Cheers! Source: mijalko

Process Memory Usage Percentage Not Computing Properly In C#

In a scenario when i want to compute the percentage of a process memory consumption against the total memory installed, I encountered a logic error where in the result is zero. The simple formula is this: double x = p.PrivateMemorySize64 / installed_memory_pc * 100; However, the result in x is zero. The trick is to convert p.PrivateMemorySize64 and installed_memory_pc to megabytes by dividing each variable with 1048576. 1Mb = 1048576 bytes. The modified formula is: mbInstalledMemory = ( int )installedMemory / 1048576; mbUsage = ( int )p.PrivateMemorySize64 / 1048576; Then you can apply the percentage formula. Cheers!

Enable/Disable ToolstripButton Using Delegates (Thread) In C#

Assuming you will access the toolstrip button from another thread, then here's the code on how to enable or disable ToolstripButton using delegates. delegate void EnableDisableButtonRunDeleg( bool value ); private void EnableDisableButtonRun( bool value ) { if (tsMenu.InvokeRequired) { this .tsMenu.Invoke( new EnableDisableButtonRunDeleg (EnableDisableButtonRun), value ); } else { ToolStripItem ts = tsMenu.Items[0]; ((ToolStripButton)ts).Enabled = value ; } } Cheers!

How To Get Icon From Process In C#

If you want to convert to image, just cast it to a bitmap object. Icon ico = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(process.MainModule.FileName); Source: Stack overflow

Prevent Listview Column From Being Resized In Windows Forms C#

I added the snippet below in the columnwidthchanging event: switch (e.ColumnIndex) { case 0: e.NewWidth = 400; break ; case 1: e.NewWidth = 200; break ; case 2: e.NewWidth = 100; break ; case 3: e.NewWidth = 100; break ; default : break ; } e.Cancel = true ; Where 400, 200, and 100 are the original column sizes.
