
Showing posts from January, 2014


CSS Pseudo Element Selector ::first-letter Not Working On Mozilla Firefox

I have a css and html markup below using ::first-letter selector. The markup below works in Google Chrome and Internet Explorer which changes the font size, weight and color properties of the first letter but not on Mozilla Firefox. .fourthwrapper ::first-letter { font-size : 200%; font-weight : bold ; color :brown; } <div class= "fourthwrapper" > <p> This is some text within a div with a class of wrapper. </p> </div> The solution would be to change the css code to specify that the first letter of the paragraph should be modified. .fourthwrapper p::first-letter { font-size : 200%; font-weight : bold ; color :brown; }

Custom CheckedListBox DataGridView Column

Hello, Here's a working custom control class on how to embed CheckedListBox as a datagridview column. Source: Need a DataGridView Custom Column of Type ListView or CheckedListBox However, this class lacked functionalities such as obtaining the checked items and preserving the checked items during painting of the datagridview cell. Here's the custom class: public class CheckedListBoxColumn : DataGridViewColumn { public CheckedListBoxColumn() : base ( new CheckedListBoxCell()) { } public override DataGridViewCell CellTemplate { get { return base .CellTemplate; } set { if ( value != null && ! value .GetType().IsAssignableFrom( typeof (CheckedListBoxCell))) { throw new InvalidCastException( "Must be...
