ASP.NET WebForms Change GridView Sort Link Color
Here's how to change the color of GridView SortLink using CSS. ASPX Markup 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 <asp:GridView ID= "GridVwPagingSorting" runat= "server" AutoGenerateColumns= "False" Font-Names= "Verdana" AllowPaging= "True" AllowSorting= "True" PageSize= "5" Width= "75%" OnPageIndexChanging= "PageIndexChanging" BorderColor= "#CCCCCC" BorderStyle= "Solid" BorderWidth= "1px" OnSorting= "Sorting" > <AlternatingRowStyle BackColor= "#BFE4FF" /> <PagerStyle BorderColor= "#CCCCCC" BorderStyle= "Solid" BorderWidth= "1px" /> <HeaderStyle CssClass= "gridViewHeader" /> <RowStyle Height= "20px" Font-Size= "13px" BorderColor= "#CCCCCC" BorderStyle= "Solid" BorderWidth= "1px" /> <...