
Showing posts from August, 2016


Retrieve Current Row Index Of ASP.NET Web Forms GridView Control On RowCommand

Hi, To retrieve the current row index of a GridView control on RowCommand event, you have to access the NamingContainer property of a control which belongs to that GridViewRow. In the example below, I have a LinkButton control declared inside a TemplateField. ASPX Code <asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate> <asp:LinkButton ID= "lbtnDelete" CSSClass= "btn" CommandName= "Delete" Text= "Delete" runat= "server" /> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField> Code Behind protected void gvCustomers_RowCommand( object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Delete" ) { GridViewRow gvr = (GridViewRow)(((LinkButton)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer); int RowIndex = gvr.RowIndex; //TODO: other codes here... } }

How To Send Email Using SmtpClient In C# Example

Here's a simple class that sends email using SmtpClient class. The code references System.Net.Mail namespace to access the SmtpClient class and other related assemblies. using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Net.Mail; public class SendEMail { public void SendMailToClient( string from , string to, string subject, string body) { try { MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); message.From = new MailAddress( from ); message.To.Add(to); message.Subject = subject; message.Body = body; message.IsBodyHtml = true ; //client.Host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Host"]; client.UseDefaultCredentials = false ; client.Send(message); } catch (Exception ex) { throw...

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()

When working with Dropdownlists in ASP.NET MVC, I encountered an error as stated in the title of this post when casting an int variable through LINQ Select() statement. List<SelectListItem> itemCountries = new List<SelectListItem>(); itemCountries.AddRange(( from country in _context.CascadeCountries select country) .Select(x => new SelectListItem { Value = x.CountryID.ToString(), //error here... Text = x.CountryName }).ToList()); After doing some research, I found out that the statement returned by the Select statement above is IQueryable and the itemCountries variable is an IEnumerable . So, the fix for this issue is to cast the LINQ statement with AsEnumerable() and then followed by the Select() statement which sets the values for the SelectListItems properties. List<SelectListItem> itemCountries = new List<SelectListItem>(); itemCountries.AddRange(( from country in _context.Casca...

Using Lag() In SQL Server To Retrieve Previous Row Value

I have this old T-SQL script that retrieves previous row value of a certain order year which uses a combination of derived tables, left join and group by to achieve the desired result. Upon visiting this script and doing some research on new T-SQL functions, I encountered an article from SQL Authority on How To Access Previous Row and Next Row in Select statement . So, given the time I quickly converted my script using Lag() function and was surprised to see that my new script looks clean and orderly compared to the old one. Old T-SQL Script SELECT Curr_Data.Year_Order, Curr_Data.Customer_Count AS Customer_Count, Prev_Data.Customer_Count AS Previous_Customer_Count, Curr_Data.Customer_Count - Prev_Data.Customer_Count AS Growth FROM ( SELECT YEAR (Orderdate) AS Year_Order, COUNT ( DISTINCT CustomerID) AS Customer_Count FROM CustomerOrders GROUP BY YEAR (Orderdate)) AS Curr_Data LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT YEAR (Orderdate) A...

Escape Curly Brace In C# String.Format()

To escape curly braces in String.Format(), you have to prepend "{" symbol in the opening brace and append "}" in the closing brace as shown below. Code: string firstName = "Michael" ; string lastName = "Jordan" ; string output = String.Format( "Your name is: {{ {0}, {1} }}" , firstName, lastName); Console.WriteLine(output); Output:
