
Showing posts from October, 2018


Check If T-SQL Field Value Is A UniqueIndentifier In Select Case Statement

In the event that you need to check a T-SQL field value if it's a GUID or UniqueIdentifier, the same procedure is used in applying the logic in a where clause. SELECT CartObjectID, CartName, CartQuantity, CASE When TDD.FieldData like REPLACE ( '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' , '0' , '[0-9a-fA-F]' ) Then ( Select CartValue From tblCartList where ListID = TDD.FieldData ) ELSE TDD.FieldData END As FieldData

Bootstrap Table Column Width And Word-Break Not Working Using Data-Width Attribute

Hello All, One of the issue that I had with Bootstrap Tables by Wenzhixin is that you can't set the width directly using data-width attribute given the code below. <th data-field= "description" data-sortable= "true" data-searchable= "true" data-width= "350px" > Description </th> After doing some research and experiments, the solution that worked for me is to set the Bootstrap Table table-layout style to fixed. Bootstrap Table CSS #tblEmployeeDependents { table-layout : fixed ; } And use data-class attribute instead of data-width property to set the column width. HTML Code <th data-field= "description" data-sortable= "true" data-searchable= "true" data-class= "tdDescription" > Description </th> Data-Class CSS Style .tdDescription { width : 350px ; word - break : break - word; }

Bootstrap Modal Black Background Not Closing After Form Is Submitted

Hello fellow developers! Normally, when closing a Bootstrap Modal, the black background also disappear. However, if the closing of Bootstrap Modal is triggered by a close or button event fired from a "Yes" button of jQuery UI dialog the bootstrap dialog is closed but the black background of the bootstrap modal is still visible. The solution that I came up with is to close the modal dialog before the call to submit the form in the Yes callback function of the jQuery UI Dialog. function fnOpenNormalDialog($form) { var form = $form; $( '<div id="divConfirm"></div>' ).dialog({ resizable: false , modal: false , title: "Confirm Shipping" , height: 150, width: 350, open: function () { $( this ).html( "Confirm that this part is ready to be shipped?" ); }, buttons: { "Yes" : function () { $( this ).dialog( 'close' ); Callback( true , form); }, "No" : function () {...

How To Set Or Position BlockUI On Top Of jQuery UI Dialog

Good day! I have this requirement to show an overlay message using BlockUI on top of a jQuery UI Dialog. Assuming that these two are modals, I can't show the progress message on top of the jQuery UI Dialog. I found the solution in stackoverflow that is to set the z-index of BlockUI to 2000. $.blockUI({ message: '<h3>Saving of record in progress...</h3>' , baseZ: 2000 });
