

WebRequest Url Not Returning Correct Page Source If Proxynull Not Used As Part Of Url Query String (Web Scraping) In C#

In one of the sites im crawling, I encountered a situation where a site needs a query string like proxynull = 90B69303-3A61-4482-AF0725FDA1DAE548 or appended into a url like this http://samplesite/bin/jobs_list.cfm?proxynull=90B69303-3A61-4482-AF0725FDA1DAE548 I wonder if i could just use the post data and use the url without the proxynull query string like this http://samplesite/bin/jobs_list.cfm to scrape the website. After series of experimentation, the solution is to set the webproxy of the webrequest object to default proxy similar to the code below: ((HttpWebRequest)webRequest).Proxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy; in order to use the url(http://samplesite/bin/jobs_list.cfm) without proxynull.

Cannot find JavaScriptSerializer in .Net 4.0

These are the steps for using it in .NET 4.0 1. Create a new console application 2. Change the target to 4 instead of Client Profile 3. Add a reference to System.Web.Extensions (4.0) 4. Got access to JavaScriptSerializer in Program.cs now :-) Source: Cannot Find Javascript Serializer in .NET 4.0

Remove HTML Tags In An XML String Document Using Regular Expressions (REGEX) In C#

Here's a regex pattern that will match html tags that are present in an xml string document. Where xml, node1, node2, node3, node4, node5, node6 and node7 are xml tags. node1 could represent a valid xml tag name like employername or similar tag names. xmlStringData = Regex.Replace(xmlStringData, @"<((\??)|(/?)|(!))\s?\b(?! (\b(xml|node1||node2|node3|node4|node5|node6|node7)\b))\b[^>]*((/?))>" , " " , RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Greg

Optimizing SQL TOP Queries In MSSQL Database

Here's an interesting article on optimizing queries using Top statement to filter result sets: Why SQL Top may slow down your query? The solutions are the following: 1. using Hash joins SELECT TOP 5 [Articles].Id ,CountryCategories.Name ,CityCategories.Name FROM [Articles] INNER HASH JOIN CategoryCountry2Articles ON [Articles].Id = CategoryCountry2Articles.IdArticle INNER HASH JOIN CountryCategories ON CountryCategories.Id = CategoryCountry2Articles.IdCountry INNER HASH JOIN CategoryCity2Articles ON [Articles].Id = CategoryCity2Articles.IdArticle INNER HASH JOIN CityCategories ON CityCategories.Id = CategoryCity2Articles.IdCity WHERE CountryCategories.Name = 'country1' AND CityCategories.Name = 'city4' 2. Using Variables. DECLARE @topCount INT SET @topCount = 5 SELECT TOP (@topCount) (...) I am pretty much interested why using variables is much faster. Compared with other findings ...

IOrderedQueryable<T> Extension Method (C#)

Here's a modified version of Nick Harrison's IOrderedQueryable extension method in his dynamic linq query post: static class IQueryableExtensions { public static IOrderedQueryable<TSource> GenericEvaluateOrderBy<TSource>( this IQueryable<TSource> query, string propertyName) { var type = typeof (TSource); var property = type.GetProperty(propertyName); var parameter = Expression.Parameter(type, "p" ); var propertyReference = Expression.Property(parameter, property); //p.ProductName var sortExpression = Expression.Call( typeof (Queryable), "OrderBy" , new Type[] { type, property.PropertyType }, query.Expression, Expression.Quote(Expression.Lambda(Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameter, property), parameter))); return query.Provider.CreateQuery<TSource>(sortExpression) as IOrderedQueryable<TSource...

Regular Expression Remove Day Name And Date Suffix In C#

In a situation where i want to format this date value from (Tuesday 19th March 2013) to (19 March 2013). I made a regular expression by applying look behind approach and ends with behavior in strings. Here's the expression: indicatorDate = Regex.Replace(indicatorDate, @"(\b[A-Za-z]*day\b)|((?<=[0-9])[a-zA-z]{2})" , string .Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); :)

How To List Tables In A MSSQL Database With Criteria

Here are some simple T-SQL statements to show table information with set of criterias. -- show tables sort by name ascending use DatabaseName go select * from sys.tables order by asc go -- show tables that starts with s use DatabaseName go select * from sys.tables where upper ( like 'S%' ; go -- show tables sort by date created descending use DatabaseName go select * from sys.tables order by create_date desc ; go -- show tables where type description is user use DatabaseName go select * from sys.tables where type_desc like lower ( '%user%' ) go Reference: BOL

ASP.NET MVC Implementing MVCContribGrid CustomPagination<T> Class

Out of boredom, I came upon a class named CustomPagination in MVCContrib that that implements IPagination , IEnumerable and other interfaces that you can customize your paging needs.Here's the class definition: namespace MvcContrib.Pagination { public class CustomPagination <T> : IPagination<T>, IPagination, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable { public CustomPagination(IEnumerable<T> dataSource, int pageNumber, int pageSize, int totalItems); public int FirstItem { get ; } public bool HasNextPage { get ; } public bool HasPreviousPage { get ; } public int LastItem { get ; } public int PageNumber { get ; } public int PageSize { get ; } public int TotalItems { get ; } public int TotalPages { get ; } public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator(); } } I found an article in this blog( ) on how to use the CustomPagination class that r...

Change Cell Url Contents To Hyperlinks Using VBA In MS Excel

Hello! Assuming in your MS Excel Worksheet you have thousands of cells that contains url and you want them to be a hyperlink. It can be done manually, but tedious. Another solution is to write a VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) Script to do that for you using the Sub procedure below that will convert an Excel cell content to hyperlink. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sub ChangeCellsToHyperlinks() Dim rng As Range Dim ctr As Integer Dim range_name As String ctr = 2 'starting cell to change Do While ctr <= 10000 'end cell range Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range( "A" & ctr) rng.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=rng, Address:=rng With rng.Font .ColorIndex = 25 .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle End With ctr = ctr + 1 Loop End Sub That's it!

Show Label Count of Category Label (Blogger)

When I applied a new template to blogger, the category label count disappears. So, I searched google and found this site on blogger tricks that shows how to customize labels. So, I applied it in the expression expr:href='data:label.url'. <a expr:href= 'data:label.url' ><></a> Then, I applied the trick to show the label count. <a expr:href= 'data:label.url' ><></a> <span dir= 'ltr' >(<data:label.count/>)</span> Cheers!
