Typography.Fraction and Typography.Capitals Not Working In WPF
I've been reading a post on working with Typography.Fraction and Typography.Capitals Enum on TextBlock controls and cannot get it to work as expected. After reading the Microsoft Docs, the solution was to set the FontFamily of the control to Palatino Linotype. <TextBlock Grid.Row= "0" FontSize= "32" FontFamily= "Palatino Linotype" Typography.DiscretionaryLigatures= "True" Typography.ContextualLigatures= "True" Typography.StandardLigatures= "True" > Quite effective find </TextBlock> <TextBlock Grid.Row= "1" FontSize= "32" FontFamily= "Palatino Linotype" Typography.Capitals= "AllSmallCaps" > Hello, World </TextBlock> <TextBlock Grid.Row= "2" FontSize= "32" ...