

Format Date Values Shown In Label Control Inside An ASP.NET Web Forms Gridview

Reference: Set Date Format in Gridview To format date as short date format of a label control inside a template field use Bind() as shown below: 1: <ItemTemplate> 2: <asp:Label id= "lblDateRec" runat= "server" Text= '<%# 3: Bind("GeneratedDateRec", "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}") %>' ></asp:Label> 4: </ItemTemplate>

Reset Autonumber Or Identity Column In Sql Server Transact SQL

Here is the script to reset autonumbers in sql server. Usually, i have to delete the table contents and then reseed the tables. TSQL Script: use Transmittal go delete from dbo.TransDetails; delete from dbo.TransMaster; DBCC CHECKIDENT (TransMaster, reseed, 0 ) DBCC CHECKIDENT (TransDetails, reseed, 0 )

Validation In ASP.NET WebForm Not Working For Confirm Dialog

In this scenario, I have a series of textbox controls that has required field validations and a save button with the following attribute property set in pageload event: btnSave.Attributes.Add( "onclick" , "return confirm ('Proceed saving or updating this record?')" ); In most cases, this works fine, but the problem is if i clicked ok in the confirm dialog of javascript, the validation of required fields will be bypassed. So the solution would be to modify the script to return false if cancel is pressed in the confirm dialog of javascript so that validation will work.Here is the modified script: btnSave.Attributes.Add( "onclick" , "if(!confirm ('Proceed saving or updating this record?')) return false;" ); If the user will click ok, in the javascript confirm dialog, validations will be executed.

How To Check if Leap Year In C#.NET

Hello, Below is a custom code i have been working to check if a year is considered as leap year. protected bool CheckLeap( int year) { if ((year%4==0&&year%100!=0)||year%400==0) { return true ; } return false ; } However, as i checked the DateTime class methods in MSDN, i found a handy tool to do the same functionality. DateTime.IsLeapYear( int year); Source Code: How To Check if Leap Year In C#.NET Cheers!

How To Reorder Or Rearrange DataColumns In A DataTable Using C#

Here's how to re-order DataColumns in a DataTable. This solves a particular problem in a project I'm currently working with. Code: 1 datatable.Columns[ "Col1" ].SetOrdinal( 1 );

ADO.NET Entity Framework Tutorial

Here's an example from MSDN. There are some minor bugs that I encountered, but this is a good start. ADO.NET Entity Framework in Winforms

Access DOM Elements in ASP.NET WebForms Master And Content Pages Using ClientID And jQuery

The example below will display Bill Murstein in textbox Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 var name = 'Bill Murstein' ; //javascript DOM document .getElementById( '<%=txtCustomerName.ClientID%>' ).value = name; //jQuery Counterpart $( '[id$=txtCustomerName]' ).val(name);

jQuery In ASP.NET Web Forms Ajax Does Not Work After Partial Postback

I encountered a problem with jquery in ajax with master page content. During first pageload, the jquery script works fine, but after partial postback, the jquery script does not work. After a few googling activity, I came upon this site: This explains how to use document.ready, pageload, and Application.init. In my previous code, i've used document.ready since my aspx page was not ajax enabled. But since, Im switching my application to ajax ready, the solution I came upon was using function pageLoad() instead of document.ready(). Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 function Pageload() { $( "#txtsomething" ).blur( function () { //your js code here var x = 25 + 25 ; alert(x); }); } Hope this insight will help other developers out there... Here is the summary from the direct link: $(document).ready() Ideal for onetime initialization. Optimization black magic; may

Formatting Numbers With Comma Using Regular Expression In JavaScript

In c#, this can be achieved by String.Format(), however in javascript/jquery, this can be achieved using a simple JavaScript function: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 function addCommas(nStr) { nStr += '' ; x = nStr.split( '.' ); x1 = x[ 0 ]; x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[ 1 ] : '' ; var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/ ; while (rgx.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2' ); } return x1 + x2; } In your script, you can call it using: 1 2 3 var number = 123456.99 ; var result = addCommas(number); alert(result); Source: JavaScript Number Format

Manipulating DataTable Columns and Rows

Hi! I found this link to be of help. DataTable Manipulation
