

How To Get Or Retrieve The Response URL From WebRequest Object Using C#

The solution is to get the ResponseUri from the response object. //domain url: //response url: WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create( "" ); HttpWebResponse resp = HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); string ur = resp.ResponseUri.ToString(); Console.Write(ur);

Add Reference To WPF Merged Resource Dictionary In Window.xaml

Good evening guys! Here's how to add reference to WPF Merged Dictionary in Window.xaml. <Window.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <!--resource dictionary is placed in folder--> <ResourceDictionary Source= "/ResourceDictionaries/RoundedButton.xaml" /> <!--dictionary is inside WPF project--> <!--<ResourceDictionary Source="RoundedButton.xaml" /> --> </ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> </ResourceDictionary> </Window.Resources>

Download File Using Webrequest With Credentials In C#

Here's a C# code that will download a file from source with credentials (password and username). This assumes that the source directory is password protected. HttpWebRequest request; HttpWebResponse response = null ; try { string username = "xxxuser" ; string password = "yyypass" ; NetworkCredential myCredentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password); request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(ListURL); request.Timeout = 900000000; request.Credentials = myCredentials; request.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = false ; response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); Stream s = response.GetResponseStream(); //Write to disk FileStream fs = new FileStream( "\\\xmldata.xml" , FileMode.Create); byte []

Enable Saving Of Changes That Require Table To Be Re-Created

Source: SQL Server Central The solutions is: 1. Go to Tools on MS SQL IDE 2. Click Options 3. Then Designers 4. Then Table and Database Designers 5. Uncheck Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation.

Webbrowser Control Not Displaying Webpage (No Internet Connection Message)

In one of our codes, we used web browser to scrape data. Recently, the webbrowser control can't display the webpage. The error states that THERE IS NO INTERNET CONNECTION. The solution was to Clear History of Internet Explorer Browser..(cookies/passwords/forms/temporary internet files) Cheers!

Set JSON Response In Webrequest Class

To set the JSON response of a WebRequest class, assign the ContentType property of the WebRequest object to application/json; charset=utf-8 . req.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8" ; Source: Stackoverflow

Attach MSSQL DB To SQL Developer Edition On Runtime

If you have a program migrated to a pc where there is no sql express edition installed but a developer or enterprise edition is found and the database is part of the solution file. If you run the program, a connection timeout error will occur. All you need to do is change the datasource name from .\sqlexpress to your Servername. Then change the credentials such as username and password. Assuming you declare your connection string in app.config or web.config, here is an example: <add name= "Southridge.Properties.Settings.SouthridgeConnectionString" connectionString= "Data Source=PC_SERVERNAME; AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Southridge.mdf;user=sa; password=yourpassword; Connect Timeout=30;" providerName= "System.Data.SqlClient" />

Convert Or Cast MySQL Database Column Collation In SQL Code And C#

Software Used: Mysql 5.0 connector/Visual Studio 2010 We encounter a tricky problem when showing mysql database column value with collation of typelatin1_swedish_ci. The value retrieved from the column and shown on a c# string variable is not the same with what is in the database. The ascii characters has been stripped off in the string variable. Here is a string variable with special character apostrophe stored in a column with latin1swedish collation. Ex. Take on bank robbers, beat the bad guys or shoot it out with the police in the quest for freedom – all in the name of fun! Doesn’t sound like your average day out, but today we’re making this happen! string sql = "select convert(description using utf8) as description from your_table where id='554be79124998120b8c3505d47c88c2d'" ; Sample C# Implementation private void TestDeals() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string conn_s = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ "LocalDB" ]; stri

Show Processes From Your Computer Using ASP.NET Web Forms

Here's a sample code on how to display processes using Process.GetProcesses() method from Process class and bind it to the GridView Control. Code behind: protected void ShowProcessToGrid() { Dictionary< string , string > process = new Dictionary< string , string >(); foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcesses()) { process.Add(p.Id.ToString(),p.ProcessName); } this .gvPRocess.DataSource = process; this .gvPRocess.DataBind(); } protected void gvPRocess_PageIndexChanging( object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { gvPRocess.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; ShowProcessToGrid(); } Here is the aspx markup: <asp:GridView ID= "gvPRocess" runat= "server" AllowPaging= "True" BackColor= "White" BorderColor= "Black" BorderStyle= "Solid" BorderWidth= "1px" CellPadding= "4" style= "margin:auto"

Return First Array In Array Object That Has Duplicates In C#

Here's a custom function that returns the first array item that has duplicates in an array object. //in your main function #region testdata //string[] split_cities = new string[] { "perth", "sydney", "perth" }; //string[] split_cities = new string[] { "perth", "sydney", "gold" }; //string[] split_cities = new string[] { "nsw", "sydney", "sydney" }; //string[] split_cities = new string[] { "nsw", "nsw", "sydney" }; //string[] split_cities = new string[] { "nsw", "coast", "sydney", "nsw" }; //string[] split_cities = new string[] { "auck", "coast", "nsw", "nsw" }; string [] split_cities = new string [] { "auck" , "nsw" , "nsw" , "coasts" }; //string[] split_cities = new string[] { "auck", "coast&
