

Textbox Custom Controls With Autosuggest Features In C# Windows Forms

A textbox custom control developed by Aland Li, MSDN Moderator was the basis for the creation of three new versions of textbox custom controls with Autosuggest features. I managed to fixed some bugs and improve the functionalities of the control. The first control integrates Suggest + Append feature. The second control integrates exact keyword searching which is a limitation to the built-in .NET textbox autosuggest feature that is using startswith algorithm. The third control is an enhancement of the second control with keyword highlighting. Thanks to the original creator of the control Cheers.

Measure Width Of A Given String In Pixel Using C# And Windows Forms

Here's a function to compute the text width of a given string in pixel. Original Author: Mongus Pong (Stack Overflow) protected int _MeasureDisplayStringWidth ( Graphics graphics, string text, Font font, float width, float height ) { if ( text == "" ) return 0 ; StringFormat format = new StringFormat ( StringFormat.GenericDefault ); RectangleF rect = new RectangleF ( 0 , 0 , width, 1000 ); CharacterRange[] ranges = { new CharacterRange ( 0 , text.Length ) }; Region[] regions = new Region[ 1 ]; format.SetMeasurableCharacterRanges ( ranges ); format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces; regions = graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges ( text, font, rect, format ); rect = regions[ 0 ].GetBounds ( graphics ); return ( int )( rect.Right ); } Greg

Close ToolStripDropdown Object When Parent Container Or Form Is Clicked In C# Windows Forms

To close the ToolStripDropdown object which is part of the textbox custom control, add event handler signatures and event definition using the code below: //add statements in the custom control constructor this .Parent.Click += new EventHandler(Parent_Click); this .Parent.Move += new EventHandler(Parent_Click); //event body private void Parent_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) { _dropDown.Close(); //ToolStripDropdown object } Cheers!

Focus Or Caret On TextBox Control Gone If ToolstripDropdown Is shown In Custom Controls Windows Forms C#

Im trying to implement a custom textbox control with auto-suggest features. Upon rendering the ToolStripDropdown object just below the textbox control, the focus seems to be lost. I found the trick by setting the AutoClose property to false in the Textbox OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e) event. See the code below: _dropDown.AutoClose = false ; //ToolStripDropDown object Greg

Include Foreign Key Columns In The Model Disabled (ADO.NET Entity Framework)

When adding database objects to your entity data model, The checkbox option labeled (Include foreign key columns in the model) might be disabled. I later found out that the class library's target framework was .NET 3.5 Framework. While the solution and website's target framework is .NET 4.0. The solution was to change the target framework to .NET 4.0 then recompiled the class library. Alas! the include foreign key columns is now enabled. Cheers!

Accessing App.Config Values In Class Library Not Working In C#

In a project that we are working with involves several class libraries. And one of them involves setting/getting the connection string. We simply added an application config file with the connection string in it. However, accessing the key/value of connection string returns null. One possible solution is to add a Settings file in the class library where you can set the connection string. And to access the connection string value, refer to the code below: //Settings is the Settings File. //SalesConnection is the Name of the connection string return new Settings().SalesConnection; Here's a similar post regarding Settings File: Setting app.config in ASP.NET Cheers!

AnimationExtender Animation Using JSON Not Working In ASP.NET

When setting animations for AnimationExtender control using JSON/Javascript, setting the AnimationTarget with the explicit control id such as panel ID does not work when rendered to browser specified by the code below: "AnimationTarget" : "panelDescription" The workaround is to get the clientID of the panel control rendered through the browser. Below is the workaround code: //Note: this is just a fragment of the JSON animation //the actual animation might be a little bit specific than this. var animation = "AnimationTarget":"' + '<%= panelDescription.ClientID %>' + '","AnimationChildren"'; //set click behavior animationExtender.set_OnClick(animation); Cheers!

Multiple controls with the same ID '_header' were found. FindControl requires In Ajax

Good day! After integrating ajax accordion pane controls in my app, an exception pops up as stated by the title of the post. The culprit was that I initialized two AccordionPane objects w/o specifying the ID's of each object. The solution is to include ID's in each control.See example below: AccordionPane ap1 = new AccordionPane(); ap1.ID = "ap1" ; ap1.HeaderContainer.Controls.Add( new LiteralControl( "Product Code" )); ap1.ContentContainer.Controls.Add( new LiteralControl(datarow[ "ID" ].ToString();)); AccordionPane ap2 = new AccordionPane(); ap2.ID = "ap2" ; ap2.HeaderContainer.Controls.Add( new LiteralControl( "Product Name" )); ap2.ContentContainer.Controls.Add( new LiteralControl(datarow[ "Prod_Name" ].ToString();)) Cheers!

.NET 4.5 Framework Features

Here's an image i got from  blog. Thanks to the guy who uploaded this image... :) Greg

Combobox With CheckListBox Supports Multi highlighting (C#)

A control developed by: Stelios Alexandrakis which I found it cool is a combobox with checklistbox as the dropdown item. After fixing a few bugs, I integrate the feature of multi-highlighting based from the previous post on customizing CheckListBox control: CheckBoxList Multihighlight . Here's some screenshots to illustrate each of the custom controls.
