
Using Blazor QuickGrid Component In .NET 8, Entity Framework Core And SQL Server

Here's a Blazor Web App that demonstrates on how to show data in a tabular format using the ASP.NET Core Blazor QuickGrid component. As per Microsoft, The QuickGrid component is a Razor component for quickly and efficiently displaying data in tabular form. QuickGrid provides a simple and convenient data grid component for common grid rendering scenarios and serves as a reference architecture and performance baseline for building data grid components. QuickGrid is highly optimized and uses advanced techniques to achieve optimal rendering performance. Note that this is not as advanced as other commercial grids. To begin with, lets create a new Blazor Web App that target's the .NET 8 framework and then install these four NuGet packages. We will be getting data from WideWorldImporters database using Entity Framework Core and database approach methodology. Once you have these installed, next is to scaffold the WideWorldImporters database for you to generate the model classe


Blazor QuickGrid Component Inside Div Element Overlaps Horizontally

Hello, As I was experimenting with Blazor QuickGrid component, I decided to populate the Grid component with records from WideWorldImporters database and opt to display at least nine columns. Upon rendering on the page, I noticed that the QuickGrid component overlaps horizontally even if it's inside a div element with bootstrap row as it's class. To fix this issue, I added an id attribute to the grid component so I can apply a css style explicitly. <QuickGrid Id= "qGridCustomer" Class= "table table-responsive table-bordered table-striped" Items= "@FilteredCustomers" Pagination= "@pagination" > <PropertyColumn Title= "Customer Name" Property= "@(p => p.CustomerName)" Sortable= "true" > <ColumnOptions> <div class= "search-box" > <input type= "search" autofocus @bind= "nameFilter" @bind: event = &quo

Blazor Web App CRUD Project Using Visual Studio 2022, .NET 8 And Entity Framework Core

Good day Team! Here's a basic Blazor Web App CRUD Project using Visual Studio 2022, .NET 8 and Entity Framework Core. The database for this project is SQL Server and the approach to communicate the database is database first. Let's begin. I. Project Setup 1. Open your SSMS editor and execute the create Employee table script that is used in this project into your SQL Server instance. This will be the datasource for our employee information. USE [ASPCoreTestDB] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee]( [EmployeeID] [int] IDENTITY (1,1) NOT NULL , [EmployeeGovtID] [varchar](50) NULL , [EmployeeName] [varchar](200) NULL , [Age] [int] NULL , [Address] [nvarchar]( max ) NULL , [Salary] [decimal](18, 2) NULL , [Designation] [varchar](50) NULL , [HasDependents] [bit] NULL , CONSTRAINT [PK_Employee] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [EmployeeID] ASC ) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF , STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF , IGNORE_DUP_K

Add Menu Separator To Notepad++ Using The Notepad++ Plugin Pack In C#

Hello, I'm currently adding modules to my Notepad++ plugin project and we noticed that the menu items are growing. So our architect suggested that it needs to be grouped and using a line separator for organization and proper grouping. At the moment, the menu itmes for the plugin isn't grouped based from the screenshot below. And here's the C# code to add the menu items. internal static void CommandMenuInit() { StringBuilder sbIniFilePath = new StringBuilder(Win32.MAX_PATH); Win32.SendMessage(PluginBase.nppData._nppHandle, ( uint )NppMsg.NPPM_GETPLUGINSCONFIGDIR, Win32.MAX_PATH, sbIniFilePath); iniFilePath = sbIniFilePath.ToString(); if (!Directory.Exists(iniFilePath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(iniFilePath); iniFilePath = Path.Combine(iniFilePath, PluginName + ".ini" ); someSetting = (Win32.GetPrivateProfileInt( "SomeSection" , "SomeKey" , 0, iniFilePath) != 0); PluginBase.SetCommand(0, "Session Laws" , SessionLaws

Recursive CTE Not Getting Top Level Superseded Parts In T-SQL

Hello, I've been given a task to get the superseded partnumber of a certain part. The scenario is, the chain of the superseded is undetermined and could go as has high as four or more levels. See screenshot below of an example of product supersession. It illustrates that the part supersession of part M03971 is M32887 instead of its direct parent M04880. Trying out the concept of recursive CTE gets only the lowest level instead without it's parent part supersessions. WITH SupersededBy_Cte AS ( SELECT [StdDescID], [PartNumber], [SupersededBY], 0 AS [ level ] FROM [tblStdDesc] std1 WHERE std1.SupersededBY IS NULL UNION All SELECT std2.[StdDescID], std2.[PartNumber], std2.[SupersededBY], cte.[ level ] + 1 FROM SupersededBy_Cte cte INNER JOIN [tblStdDesc] std2 ON std2.SupersededBY = cte.StdDescID ) SELECT cte.[StdDescID], cte.[PartNumber], cte.[SupersededBY], cte.[ level ] FROM SupersededBy_Cte cte WH
