
Simple Array Manipulation Using Knockout.js (Add, Remove All, Remove Item, Show)

Most of KnockoutJS features involves binding of a viewmodel object to the a view. But there are special cases where in you want to manipulate ordinary arrays without using ko.observableArray(). So to expound more on this post, here's a sample code below:
KnockoutJS code:
$(document).ready(function () {  
       function ProductViewModel() {  
         //product array  
         this.Products = [{ id: '1', name: 'Wax' },  
                { id: '2', name: 'Cotton Buds' },  
                { id: '3', name: 'Nova' },  
                { id: '4', name: 'Milo' }  

         //insert product
         this.Add = function () {  
           console.log('Insert Activity');  
             id: '5',  
             name: 'Test'  
           console.log('Total products: ' + this.Products.length);  

         //show custom method  
         this.Show = function () {  
           console.log('Display Activity');  
           console.log('Products in array:');            
           ko.utils.arrayForEach(this.Products, function (v) {  
             console.log( + ' ' +;  

         //delete product item  
         this.Delete = function() {  
           console.log('Remove Item Activity');  
           var product;  
           if (this.Products.length > 0) {  
             ko.utils.arrayForEach(this.Products, function (item) {  
               //remove last item  
               if ( == '4') {  
                 console.log('Item deleted: ' + + ':' +;  
                 product = item;  
             ko.utils.arrayRemoveItem(this.Products, product);  
             console.log('Total products: ' + this.Products.length);  
           else {  
             alert('No Products to remove!');  

         //clear array  
         this.DeleteAll = function()  
           console.log('Remove All Items Activity');  
           if (this.Products.length > 0) {  
             this.Products = [];  
             console.log('Total products: ' + this.Products.length);  
           else {  
             alert('No Products to remove!');  
       ko.applyBindings(new ProductViewModel());  
Html markup:
 <button data-bind='click: Add'>Add Item</button>  
 <button data-bind='click: Show'>Show Items</button>  
 <button data-bind='click: Delete'>Delete Item</button>  
 <button data-bind='click: DeleteAll'>Delete All Items</button>  
Sample output using console.log() statements from the Knockout array script:
Simple Array Manipulation Using Knockout.js (Add, Remove All, Remove Item, Show)



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