
Call Stored Procedures from Entity Framework 6 In C# (Part 2)


In this second part of the series on how to call stored procedures from Entity Framework 6, I will demonstrate on executing them using context.Database methods. To accomplish this, you need to perform steps 1 through 3 from this article Call Stored Procedures from Entity Framework 6 in C#. If you're done, the codes for the CRUD(Create, Update and Delete) functionalities are presented below.
private static CustomerEntities ce = new CustomerEntities();

private static void InsertCustomer()
  var result = ce.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC dbo.InsertCustomer @CompanyName,@ContactName,@Address,@Country,@Phone",
   new SqlParameter("CompanyName", "TNT Bookstore"),
   new SqlParameter("ContactName", "Mr T."),
   new SqlParameter("Address", "Lincoln Village"),
   new SqlParameter("Country", "UK"),
   new SqlParameter("Phone", "42333"));

  if (result == 1)
   Console.WriteLine("Insert Record Successful!");
 catch (Exception e)
  //do something here

private static void UpdateCustomer()
  var result = ce.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC dbo.UpdateCustomer @CustomerID, @CompanyName,@ContactName,@Address,@Country,@Phone",
   new SqlParameter("CustomerID", 12),
   new SqlParameter("CompanyName", "TNT Bookstore"),
   new SqlParameter("ContactName", "Mr M."),
   new SqlParameter("Address", "New Orleans"),
   new SqlParameter("Country", "USA"),
   new SqlParameter("Phone", "43567"));

  if (result == 1)
   Console.WriteLine("Update Record Successful!");
 catch (Exception)
  //do something here

private static void DeleteCustomer()
  var result = ce.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC dbo.DeleteCustomer @CustomerID",
   new SqlParameter("CustomerID", 12));
  if (result == 1)
   Console.WriteLine("Delete Record Successful!");
 catch (Exception)
  //do something here

private static void GetAllCustomers()
 var results = ce.Database.SqlQuery<Customer>("GetAllCustomers", "").ToList();
 foreach (var item in results)
  Console.WriteLine("ID:{0}, Company Name:{1}, Contact:{2}, Address: {3}, Country: {4}, Phone:{5}",
   item.CustomerID, item.CompanyName, item.ContactName, item.Address, item.Country, item.Phone);



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