
Creating Your First Notepad++ Plugin Using Visual Studio 2019 And C#


In this blog post, I'll demonstrate on how to develop a Notepad++ Plugin (64 Bit) using Visual Studio 2019 and C# assuming that you have installed a 64 Bit version of the latest Notepad++ Editor. This tutorial is based from kblisted Notepad++ Plugin Package in GitHub. The plugin's architecture can communicate with the Notepad++ or the underlying Scintilla engine using NotepadPlusPlusGateway and ScintillaGateWay and Win32 API. To start with, download the Notepad++ Plugin Pack from the GitHub page and copy the zip file to the Project Templates folder of your Visual Studio 2019 IDE. In my laptop, the path is "C:\Users\my_username\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#".
Creating Your First Notepad++ Plugin Using Visual Studio 2019 And C#
Open your Visual Studio 2019 IDE and create a project using the Notepad++ Plugin template.
Creating Your First Notepad++ Plugin Using Visual Studio 2019 And C#
Change the Platform Target to x64. (Our OS is Windows 10 64 bit)
Creating Your First Notepad++ Plugin Using Visual Studio 2019 And C#
Create a function called SetFirstCharAllWordsCap inside Main.cs that get's the entire string content of a Notepad++ active window and convert each word's first letter to uppercase.
internal static void SetFirstCharAllWordsCap()
	 string modifiedString = string.Empty;
	 IntPtr currentScint = PluginBase.GetCurrentScintilla();
	 ScintillaGateway scintillaGateway = new ScintillaGateway(currentScint);

		int length = scintillaGateway.GetLength();
		string allText = scintillaGateway.GetText(length + 1);

		modifiedString = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(allText);
	 catch (Exception ex)
Call the SetFirstCharAllWordsCap function in the CommandMenuInit() through the PluginBase.SetCommand() method.
internal static void CommandMenuInit()
	 StringBuilder sbIniFilePath = new StringBuilder(Win32.MAX_PATH);
	 Win32.SendMessage(PluginBase.nppData._nppHandle, (uint)NppMsg.NPPM_GETPLUGINSCONFIGDIR, Win32.MAX_PATH, sbIniFilePath);
	 iniFilePath = sbIniFilePath.ToString();
	 if (!Directory.Exists(iniFilePath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(iniFilePath);
	 iniFilePath = Path.Combine(iniFilePath, PluginName + ".ini");
	 someSetting = (Win32.GetPrivateProfileInt("SomeSection", "SomeKey", 0, iniFilePath) != 0);         

	 PluginBase.SetCommand(0, "Capitalize First Letter", SetFirstCharAllWordsCap, new ShortcutKey(false, false, false, Keys.None)); 
Before compiling your project, make sure to close Notepad++ editor and that you have write permissions in "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\" folder it's because the project will create a subfolder using the plugin name and the dll will be published to that subfolder. If successful, open your Notepad++ editor and open a new window. Enter dummy text information with lowercase characters. To run the plugin, go to Plugins menu -> Select the name of your plugin -> click Capitalize First Letter.
Creating Your First Notepad++ Plugin Using Visual Studio 2019 And C#
Each word's first character are all converted to uppercase.
Creating Your First Notepad++ Plugin Using Visual Studio 2019 And C#
To debug the application if there are logic errors, open the Attach To Process dialog in Visual Studio and select notepad++.exe
Creating Your First Notepad++ Plugin Using Visual Studio 2019 And C#

That's it!



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