PdfSharpCore And ImageSharp - Memory Keeps Increasing Or Memory Leak When Adding Hundreds Of Images To Create PDF Book
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Screenshot of the memory reaching up to 4GB.
Screenshot of the memory usage lowered to 1.4GB.
We are currently upgrading our WPF Cataloging application that has a feature to generate pdf books with multiple pages on the fly and each book may contain thirty or more images and may reach even a hundred from .NET Framework to .NET 7. Upon printing of a book,we discovered that it consume lots of memory even reaching to 5GB per book. Because our logic in generating a catalog involves adding texts and loading several images in memory and then print those details on a single pdf file, it may have caused to memory usage to skyrocket at a tremendous result. The code below shows how we load images using PdfSharpCore and ImageSharp.
private ImageSource.IImageSource GetImageFromList<TPixel>(string key, string which, string name) where TPixel : unmanaged, IPixel<TPixel> { ImageSource.IImageSource rtn; int width; int height; width = 0; height = 0; if (ImageList.ContainsKey(key)) { rtn = ImageList[key]; } else { if (ImageSource.ImageSourceImpl == null) ImageSource.ImageSourceImpl = new ImageSharpImageSource<TPixel>(); if (which == "File") rtn = ImageSource.FromFile(key); else rtn = ImageSource.FromBinary(name, () => GetTemplateBuffer(key)); ImageList.Add(key, rtn); } return rtn; }
After days of investigation, reading the documentation, grabbing the code from github and creating a proof of concept we finally found a solution that is to reduce the size of the images maintaining it's aspect ration. We also modified the code by passing in a configuration object with values set to it's MemoryAllocator and PreferContiguousImageBuffers to ImageSharp Load() method. Once an image has been loaded, we then created a ResizeOptions object setting it's ResizeMode to Max, KnownSampler to Spline and the reduce image size. With these implementations, the memory usage went down significantly.
private ImageSource.IImageSource GetImageFromList<TPixel>(string key, string which, string name) where TPixel : unmanaged, IPixel<TPixel> { ImageSource.IImageSource rtn; int width; int height; width = 0; height = 0; rtn = null; if (ImageList.ContainsKey(key)) { rtn = ImageList[key]; } else { if (ImageSource.ImageSourceImpl == null) ImageSource.ImageSourceImpl = new ImageSharpImageSource<TPixel>(); Configuration customConfig = Configuration.Default.Clone(); customConfig.PreferContiguousImageBuffers = true; customConfig.MemoryAllocator = MemoryAllocator.Create(new MemoryAllocatorOptions() { MaximumPoolSizeMegabytes = 64 }); if (which == "File") { var image = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.Load<TPixel>(customConfig, key, out IImageFormat format); width = 1211; height = 1462; ResizeOptions options = new ResizeOptions { Mode = ResizeMode.Max, //Min, Crop, Max, Stretch... Size = new SixLabors.ImageSharp.Size(width, height), Sampler = KnownResamplers.Spline, }; image.Mutate(x => x.AutoOrient().Resize(options)); rtn = ImageSharpImageSource<TPixel>.FromImageSharpImage(image, format, 100); } else { var image = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.Load<TPixel>(customConfig, GetTemplateBuffer(key), out IImageFormat format); rtn = ImageSharpImageSource<TPixel>.FromImageSharpImage(image, format); } ImageList.Add(key, rtn); } return rtn; }
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