
Showing posts from March, 2023


How To Use Samsung Galaxy Mobile Phones Pop-up View Feature

Good day, A cool feature of Samsung Galaxy mobile phone series is the pop-up view of applications. This enables the user to open multiple applications and set an application as either background or in pop-up view mode. An example scenario is you're currently doing light exercises at home. You may open a Youtube application playing your favorite zumba or aerobics music compilations and another app such as StopWatch set as the pop-up view in order to monitor the timeframe of a particular exercise. To use the pop-up view feature,open at least two applications like Youtube or Clock. Switch to the Youtube app and make it as the current application running. Press the Recent Apps button of your phone encircled in Red for you to select the app as the pop-up. Select and press the Clock app and drag it to the Youtube app. A Drop here for pop-up view empty container appears as to where you will drop the program. Drop the Clock application into that empty container. The layout of...

XAML Hot Reload Is Disabled Because It Requires Xamarin.Forms Or Newer -In Visual Studio 2019

Hello, I downloaded a couple of Xamarin Forms applications written in Visual Studio 2017 and debugged them using Visual Studio 2019. When running these projects, a notification appears below the toolbar that says "XAML Hot Reload Is Disabled Because It Requires Xamarin.Forms Or Newer". I then proceed with Updating the Xamarin.Forms Packages for these projects and another issue came up which is "The $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for Project_name.Android (v8.1) is less than the minimum required $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for Xamarin.Forms (10.0)." . The solution to this error led me to StackOverflow that is to change a couple of Application and Application Manifest settings for the Android project. Changing the Compiled using Android version and Target Android version made the error go away. Application Tab. Change the Android version target from Android 8.1 to Android 11. Application Manifest Tab. Change the Android version target from Android 8.1...

Insufficient Data For An Image Error - Printing PDF Books Using ImageSharp And PdfSharpCore In C#

Hello and Good Day! As we continue to optimize our catalog software specifically printing of pdf books module, some of our catalogs were printed smoothly and other were not which specifically throws an Insufficient Data For An Image error when opening those books. I tried different solutions in .NET but none of them seem to resolve the problem. After investigating the images, we discovered that these photos which happens to be the templates for our books, were created using different types of graphics and CAD software. What we did was to open these images in Adobe Photoshop and save those files so that these photos program property is consistent. Since the error still persists, the next step I did was to change the image property in Photoshop specifically the Color Representation that has a value of Uncalibrated. In Photoshop, Uncalibrated is equivalent to Grayscale. Changing the image's Grayscale/Uncalibrated to RGB Color in Photoshop solved the Insufficient Data For A...
