

Uncheck Parent Node Only If All Children Are Unchecked In jsTree.js

Hello all, I was confronted with a minor issue in jsTree.js on how to uncheck a parent only if all it's child notes are unchecked. I checked on the documentation if there's an existing property or attribute that will be set to achieve this functionality. Since there is none, I decided to just do the coding stuff to solve this problem. The logic behind this is that get the parent node and it's direct descendants. If there are child nodes, loop through those elements and if one of them is still checked, the parent node remains checked. But to make this work, the properties cascade up and three_state should be set as 'up' and 'false'. $( '#jsEmployees' ).jstree({ 'checkbox' : { keep_selected_style: false , three_state: false , cascade: 'up' }, 'core' : { 'themes' : { 'icons' : false } }, 'plugins' : [ "defaults" , "checkbox" ], 'expand_selected_onload'...

Div Inside A Parent Div That Has A Class col-md-2 Is Overlapping In Internet Explorer 11

Hello, I have a div inside a parent div that overlaps when rendered in Internet Explorer 11 browser. The parent div has a col-md-2 class. Other browsers such as Edge, Firefox and Chrome doesn't show this irregularity. After doing some spikes and testing, the solution for this is to set the child div's class to "row". <div class= "row" id= "chartReport" ></div> And in your css, remove the width and margin styles of the child div. #chartReport { border : 2px solid lightgray; background-color : white; /*width: 300px;*/ /*margin: 15px;*/ } Cheers!

Chart.js Small And Not Readable If Rendered Inside col-md-2 div.

Given the task at hand which is to show a chart report to customers inside the left menu div that has col-md-2 class, the chart isn't readable and small as reported by the users. The fix that I came up with was to the the height and width explicitly of the canvass element and adjust it's values to make the chart readable. <canvas id= "DeliveriesByDayCanvas" width= "600" height= "550" ></canvas>

Bootstrap Table Apply Word Break To <th> Cell Text

To apply word-break to a Bootstrap-Table <th> cell text by Wenzhixin, create a css style that set's the inner div of <th> white-space to normal !important and word-wrap to break-word. .tdOverviewTotalIllustrations div .th-inner { white-space : normal !important ; word-wrap: break-word; } Then in Bootstrap-Table's <th> element, set the data-class attribute to the defined style above. <th data-field= "totalIllustrations" data-sortable= "true" data-searchable= "true" data-class= "tdOverviewTotalIllustrations" >Total Illustrations</th>

How To Fix Or Freeze The Column Headers Of A Bootstrap Table

Good evening! We've been requested by the client if we can freeze the column headers of the Bootstrap Table By Wenzhixin given the records loaded to the bootstrap-table is more than a hundred. I've tried using jQuery and CSS approaches and none of them work. Either they destroy the table layout or make a mess of the data. After scanning to the docs, the suggestion was to set the height of the table as mentioned by the author. So to mimic freeze table headers, you need to set the data-height of the bootstrap-table explicitly. Code: data-height="700" Output

Typography.Fraction and Typography.Capitals Not Working In WPF

I've been reading a post on working with Typography.Fraction and Typography.Capitals Enum on TextBlock controls and cannot get it to work as expected. After reading the Microsoft Docs, the solution was to set the FontFamily of the control to Palatino Linotype. <TextBlock Grid.Row= "0" FontSize= "32" FontFamily= "Palatino Linotype" Typography.DiscretionaryLigatures= "True" Typography.ContextualLigatures= "True" Typography.StandardLigatures= "True" > Quite effective find </TextBlock> <TextBlock Grid.Row= "1" FontSize= "32" FontFamily= "Palatino Linotype" Typography.Capitals= "AllSmallCaps" > Hello, World </TextBlock> <TextBlock Grid.Row= "2" FontSize= "32" ...

Collapse Or Expand A jsTree Node Programmatically

Good day all! Here's a snippet to collapse or exand a jstree node programmatically on page load based on the node id. The code below will collapse if node id is '45' while other nodes remain open. $( '#TreeRoles' ).bind( 'ready.jstree' , function (e, data) { var $tree = $( this ); $($tree.jstree().get_json($tree, { flat: true })).each( function (index, value) { var node = $tree.jstree().get_node( this .id); if ( === "45" ) { $tree.jstree().close_node({ "id" : }); } else { $tree.jstree().open_node({ "id" : }); } }); });

How To Disable Cascade Down Selection Of jsTree Child Nodes On Page Load

Hello, I'm currently working on a JavaScript Library jsTree that mimics the behavior and UI of a TreeView control in .NET. One of the issue that's bothering me was to disable the cascade down selection of jsTree Child Nodes On page load if a parent node is selected. The solution is to set the three_state attribute to false and cascade to empty or 'up as presented in the code below. $( '#TreeRoles' ).jstree({ 'checkbox' : { keep_selected_style: false , three_state: false , cascade: 'up' }, 'plugins' : [ "defaults" , "checkbox" ] });

How To Calculate Due Days Excluding Weekends In C#.NET

Here's a function that will calculate the number of days excluding weekends. The parameters passed are the priority which contains number of days and the current date. Sample priorities are 'High[1 day]', 'Average [2 days]' and 'Low [5 days]'. The function then uses Regex to extract the whole numbers from the priority string to be used for incrementing the number of days. public DateTime RecalculateDueDate( string priority, DateTime Today) { int days; int count; DateTime dueDate; count = 0; dueDate = Today; days = int .Parse(Regex.Replace(priority, "[^0-9]" , "" )); while (count < days) { dueDate = dueDate.AddDays(1); if (( int )dueDate.DayOfWeek != 0 && ( int )dueDate.DayOfWeek != 6) count++; } return dueDate; } Source Code: How To Calculate Due Days Excluding Weekends In C#.NET

Check If T-SQL Field Value Is A UniqueIndentifier In Select Case Statement

In the event that you need to check a T-SQL field value if it's a GUID or UniqueIdentifier, the same procedure is used in applying the logic in a where clause. SELECT CartObjectID, CartName, CartQuantity, CASE When TDD.FieldData like REPLACE ( '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' , '0' , '[0-9a-fA-F]' ) Then ( Select CartValue From tblCartList where ListID = TDD.FieldData ) ELSE TDD.FieldData END As FieldData
