
Get All Records Before The Last Inserted Record In SQL Server T-SQL

In a scenario where you want to show all records before the latest injected record, one solution would be to get the latest date or perhaps tha latest primary key field. But, in cases where there is no primary key defined, there's another solution using Row_Number() in SQL Server. See the two queries below:
-- option 1  
 select Production.Product.ProductID, Name as ID from Production.Product   
  where (ProductID < (Select MAX(ProductID) from Production.Product))  
  order by ProductID desc;
 -- option 2  
 WITH ProductsView AS  
   SELECT ProductID, Name,  
   ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ProductID) AS RowNumber  
   From Production.Product  
 SELECT ProductID, Name FROM ProductsView  
 WHERE (RowNumber < (select Max(RowNumber) from ProductsView))  
  order by ProductID desc;  
Reference: Row_Number() in TSQL



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