
Read Excel 2010 64 Bit File On A 64 Bit Machine Using OleDB Provider In C#

Good afternoon!

In the forums where I am a contributor, here's a tip on how to read an excel 2010 64/32 bit file using C#. The Operating System of my machine is Windows 8 64 bit. So, here are the steps.
1. Download AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe
For 32 bit excel on windows 8 64 bit machines, download AccessDatabaseEngine.exe
2. Install it in my laptop.
3. Restart my laptop.
3. Change Active Config of Visual Studio Solution to Debug|Any CPU.
For 32 bit excel, choose Debug|X86 4. Clean and Rebuild The Solution.
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  
		 System.Data.OleDbOleDbConnection MyConnection;  
		 System.DataDataSet DtSet;  
		 System.Data.OleDbOleDbDataAdapter MyCommand;  
		 MyConnection = new System.Data.OleDbOleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='c:\\temp\\test.xlsx';Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;");  
		 MyCommand = new System.Data.OleDbOleDbDataAdapter("select * from [Sheet1$]", MyConnection);  
		 //MyCommand.TableMappings.Add("Table", "TestTable");  
		 DtSet = new System.DataDataSet();  
		 dataGridView1.DataSource = DtSet.Tables[0];  //load excel file to datagridview
	catch (Exception ex)  
Run my program.



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