Set GridView Lines And Pager Background Color In ASP.NET Web Forms
Usually, in ASP.NET 2.0, setting the GridView lines through property should work. However in 4.5, it doesn't seem to render correctly. One blog pointed out to set the gridlines through it's row data bound property as demonstrated on the code below: Aspx Markup <asp:GridView ID= "GridView1" runat= "server" DataSourceID= "SqlDataSource1" BorderColor= "Black" BorderStyle= "Solid" PageSize= "2" AllowPaging= "True" OnRowDataBound= "GridView1_RowDataBound" BackColor= "White" CellPadding= "3" > <FooterStyle BackColor= "White" ForeColor= "#000066" /> <HeaderStyle BackColor= "#006699" Font-Bold= "True" ForeColor= "White" /> <PagerStyle BackColor= "White" ForeColor= "#000066" HorizontalAlign= "Justify" Wrap= "True" ...