
Update DataTable Values Using LINQ In C# And VB.NET

Here's how to update DataTable value(s) using Method or Query syntax in LINQ.
C# Code
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
 DataTable dt = new DataTable("tblEntTable");
 dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(string));
 dt.Columns.Add("Amount", typeof(decimal));
 dt.Rows.Add(new object[] {"1", 100.51});
 dt.Rows.Add(new object[] {"2", 200.52});
 dt.Rows.Add(new object[] {"3", 500.24});
 dt.Rows.Add(new object[] {"4", 400.31});
 dt.Rows.Add(new object[] {"5", 600.88});
 dt.Rows.Add(new object[] {"6", 700.11});


private void QuerySyntax(DataTable dt)
 var result = from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
     select new
      ID = row.Field<string>("ID"),
      Amount = 900.23

 DataGridView1.DataSource = result.ToList();

private void MethodSyntax(DataTable dt)
 Array.ForEach(dt.AsEnumerable().ToArray(), (row)=>{
  row["Amount"] = 800;

 DataGridView1.DataSource = dt;
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
 Dim dt As New DataTable("tblEntTable")
 dt.Columns.Add("ID", GetType(String))
 dt.Columns.Add("Amount", GetType(Decimal))
 dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {"1", 100.51})
 dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {"2", 200.52})
 dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {"3", 500.24})
 dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {"4", 400.31})
 dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {"5", 600.88})
 dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {"6", 700.11})

End Sub

Sub MethodSyntax(ByVal dt As DataTable)
 Array.ForEach(dt.AsEnumerable().ToArray(), Sub(row) row("Amount") = 900.23)
 DataGridView1.DataSource = dt
End Sub

Sub QuerySyntax(ByVal dt As DataTable)
 Dim result = From row In dt.AsEnumerable()
     Select New With { _
     .ID = row.Field(Of String)("ID"), _
     .Amount = 800

 DataGridView1.DataSource = result.ToList()
End Sub
Update DataTable Values Using LINQ In C# And VB.NET



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