

Read .NET Configuration Files Using NameValueSectionHandler And AppSettingsSection Types In C#

Hello all, I've read from a tutorial NameValueCollection and .NET Configuration Files which targets .NET 1.0/1.1 on how to read config files using type NameValueSectionHandler. I intend to explore more on applying this concept to recent versions of .NET frameworks. Upon doing some diggings, I came up with two options. First is using NameValueSectionHandler type and the other one is AppSettingsSections. To begin with, I have this App.config file with XML elements scriptsfiles and docfiles all registered in configSections. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name= "scriptfiles" type= "System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" /> <section name= "docfiles" type= "System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection" /> </configSections> <scriptfiles> <add key= "C:\batchfiles\2017" value= "*.bat" />...

Cannot convert type 'System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection' to 'System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection'

Good evening! I've tried casting the config object to NameValueCollection using .NET Framework 4.5.2 of Visual Studio 2015 which I read from a tutorial on how to read config files using type NameValueSectionHandler . However, as I use the code below to cast the ConfigurationSection object to NameValueCollection, C# Code Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None); NameValueCollection scriptFiles = (NameValueCollection)config.GetSection( "scriptfiles" ); I get an error which is the title of this post. It seems that the code was applicable to older versions of .NET Framework and not the recent ones. After doing some research, I found out that the workaround is to use ConfigurationManager.GetSection() in which the parameter passed is the SectionName of the config object instead of directly casting the ConfigurationSection object returned by the config.GetSection() method. C# Code Configuration config = Configurati...

Call Stored Procedures From Entity Framework In ASP.NET MVC

Good day! Here's an ASP.NET MVC example of a CRUD(Create/Update/Delete) application using stored procedures and Entity Framework 6.First, you need to perform steps 1-3 from this link Call Stored Procedures from Entity Framework 6 in C# (Part 1) . For step 3, instead of creating a console application use ASP.NET MVC Empty project. Once done, the code for the controller and views are shown below: CustomersController private CustomerEntities db = new CustomerEntities(); // GET: Customers public ActionResult Index() { return View(db.Database.SqlQuery<Customer>( "GetAllCustomers" ).ToList()); } // GET: Customers/Create public ActionResult Create() { return View(); } // POST: Customers/Create [HttpPost] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "CompanyName,ContactName,Address,Country,Phone" )] Customer customer) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "EXEC dbo.InsertCustomer @Compan...

Call Stored Procedures from Entity Framework 6 In C# (Part 2)

Hello, In this second part of the series on how to call stored procedures from Entity Framework 6, I will demonstrate on executing them using context.Database methods. To accomplish this, you need to perform steps 1 through 3 from this article Call Stored Procedures from Entity Framework 6 in C#. If you're done, the codes for the CRUD(Create, Update and Delete) functionalities are presented below. private static CustomerEntities ce = new CustomerEntities(); private static void InsertCustomer() { try { var result = ce.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "EXEC dbo.InsertCustomer @CompanyName,@ContactName,@Address,@Country,@Phone" , new SqlParameter( "CompanyName" , "TNT Bookstore" ), new SqlParameter( "ContactName" , "Mr T." ), new SqlParameter( "Address" , "Lincoln Village" ), new SqlParameter( "Country" , "UK" ), new SqlParameter( "Phone" , "42333...

Call Stored Procedures from Entity Framework 6 In C# (Part 1)

Hello, Here's a tutorial on how to call stored procedures from Entity Framework 6.0 through the context object using the stored procedure name. In the second part of the series, I'll demonstrate how to call the stored procedures using methods like ExecuteSqlCommand() and SqlQuery() from context.Database class. To start with here are the steps to complete this example. Step 1 Add a Customers table in your database with fields. => CustomerID (int and identity set to true) => CompanyName(nvarchar) => ContactName(nvarchar) => Address(nvarchar) => Country(nvarchar) => Phone(nvarchar) Step 2 Create stored procedures that will perform insert, update, delete and get all records operations. Insert ALTER Procedure [dbo].[InsertCustomer]( @ CompanyName nvarchar( 40 ), @ ContactName nvarchar( 30 ), @ Address nvarchar( 60 ), @ Country nvarchar( 15 ), @ Phone nvarchar( 24 )) As Begin Insert Into dbo.Customers (CompanyName, ContactName, [Address...

Navigation Properties In Entity Framework Using Database First Approach

Good day! Here's a simple step by step tutorial on exploring the Navigation Properties of EF using the DB approach. According to MSDN , Navigation properties provide a way to navigate an association between two entity types. Every object can have a navigation property for every relationship in which it participates. Navigation properties allow you to navigate and manage relationships in both directions, returning either a reference object (if the multiplicity is either one or zero-or-one) or a collection (if the multiplicity is many). You may also choose to have one-way navigation, in which case you define the navigation property on only one of the types that participates in the relationship and not on both. Given the description, this example demonstrates the concept using two tables Employees and Dependents wherein you search for a particular employee and you can access the related dependents of that employee. To start with, just perform the steps given below. Step 1. Cre...

Pivot DataTable Using LINQ In C# And VB.NET

Hello, A question was brought up in the forums on how to Pivot a DataTable object here. The OP has already a solution with reference to this link Cross Tab / Pivot from Data Table . An alternative solution is to utilize the features of LINQ using group by statement to achieve the desired output. This solution consists of few lines of code compared with the solution from the forum post. C# Code var query = ( from students in dt.AsEnumerable() group students by students.Field< string >( "StudID" ) into g select new { StudID = g.Key, Eng = g.Where(c => c.Field< string >( "SubSht" ) == "Eng" ).Sum(c => c.Field< double >( "Score" )), Fre = g.Where(c => c.Field< string >( "SubSht" ) == "Fre" ).Sum(c => c.Field< double >( "Score" )), Mat = g.Where(c => c.Field< string >( "SubSht" ) == "Mat" ).Sum(c => c.Field< double ...

Function <Anonymous Method> Doesn't Return A Value On All Code Paths (Action Statement)

Hello, Given the code statement below, the code throws an exception such as anonymous method does not return a value on all code paths. If txtEmployeeHireDate.IsHandleCreated Then If txtEmployeeHireDate.InvokeRequired Then BeginInvoke( New Action(Function() txtEmployeeHireDate.Text = objEmployee.HireDate End Function )) End If End If The code that's inside the BeginInvoke() statement does not necessarily returns a value since I only assigned an object's property value to the textbox control. In order to resolve this, either return a null value or a false value inside the Action delegate. If txtEmployeeHireDate.IsHandleCreated Then If txtEmployeeHireDate.InvokeRequired Then BeginInvoke( New Action(Function() txtEmployeeHireDate.Text = objEmployee.HireDate Return Nothing 'added this statement to fix issue End Function )) End If End If Another solution is to use Sub() which does not return a value instead of Function(...

Calling Web API not working in AngularJS using $http service

When calling ASP.NET Web API service inside the solution, I encountered an issue that is 404 not found. Given that this issue persists, I tried adding a forward slash before the url in the Ajax call which works. AngularJS $http({ //url: "EmployeeRoute/GetAll", //404 error url: "/EmployeeRoute/GetAll" , dataType: 'json' , method: 'POST' , data: GetAll, headers: { "Content-Type" : "application/json" } }).then( function (resp) { if ( typeof === 'object' ) { return; } else { return $q.reject(; } }, function (err) { return $q.reject(; }); I also make sure that the WebApiConfig.Register method gets executed in Global.asax.cs. Global.asax.cs protected void Application_Start( object sender, EventArgs e) { GlobalConfiguration.Configure(WebApiConfig.Register); }

AngularJS $http service returns html instead of JSON string

Good day! I've been trying to consume an ASP.NET Web Method using AngularJS $http service and all I get from the response is the html page source instead of string data. After investigating and doing some searching, the workaround is to set the responseType to json and pass an empty data to the Web Method given that the Web Method has no parameter. var myapp = angular.module( 'myApp' , []); myapp.controller( 'ctrl' , function ($scope, $http) { $http({ url: "63MakeAjaxCallAndReturnJSONWebService.aspx/HelloWorld" , dataType: 'json' , method: "POST" , responseType: 'json' , data: {}, headers: { "Content-Type" : "application/json;" } }).then( function (response) { $scope.value =; }); }); And also declare the Web Method as static. [WebMethod()] public static string HelloWorld() { return "Hello World!" ; }
