

Change WPF DataGridCell Background Color Using IValueConverter

Here's a solution in painting a specific DataGridCell using IValueConverter. The datagrid set's it's ItemSource property either using List object or Datatable object. Resource markup: <Window.Resources> <src:BorderBrushConverter x:Key= "BorderBrushConverter" /> </Window.Resources> XAML markup: <DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns= "False" CanUserAddRows= "False" Grid.Row= "2" Grid.Column= "0" Name= "dgStudents1" > <DataGrid.Columns> <DataGridTextColumn Header= "ID" Binding= "{Binding Path=ID}" Width= "120" IsReadOnly= "True" /> <DataGridTextColumn Header= "Age" Binding= "{Binding Path=Age}" MinWidth= "100" IsReadOnly= "True" > <DataGridTextColumn.CellStyle> <Style TargetType= "DataGridCell"

Change WPF DataGridRow Background Color Using IValueConverter

There are several ways in painting a wpf datagrid. One option would be to use the IValueConverter interface. Firstly, you have to define a class that implements the interface. And add contracts to Convert() and ConvertBack() methods. Assuming in your form load, you bind a List object to the datagrid's ItemSource property. T could be a pre-defined class. Here's the Resource code: <Window.Resources> <src:AgeTargetConverter x:Key= "AgeTargetConverter" /> </Window.Resources> Here's the XAML markup: <DataGrid Grid.Row= "0" Grid.Column= "0" AutoGenerateColumns= "False" CanUserAddRows= "False" Name= "dgStudents" > <DataGrid.RowStyle> <Style TargetType= "{x:Type DataGridRow}" > <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding= "{Binding Age, Converter={StaticResource AgeTargetConverter}, ConverterP

Windows Forms Fire TextBox Control Events Defined In A User Cntrol From Main Form

In a scenario where in I have created a user control which has a textbox control with private keypress event. I drag and drop the user control to my main form and then I want to fire the keypress event defined in the user control. Assuming in my main form I have this code: private void customTextBox1_KeyPress_1( object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { //accept letters,numbers, spacebar and backspace key if ( char .IsLetterOrDigit(e.KeyChar) || e.KeyChar == '\b' || e.KeyChar == ( char )Keys.Space) { e.Handled = false ; } else { e.Handled = true ; } } Note: customTextBox1 is the user control name and customTextBox1_KeyPress_1 is the user control keypress event. In order to trigger the keypress event of the textbox defined in the user control, call Keypress user control in the textbox keypress event handler. See code below: private void textBox1_KeyPress( object sende

Apply Drop Shadow Effect To Text Using CSS (Cross Browser Compatibility Issue)

Out of boredom, I tried manipulating the drop shadow effect of text in a simple html file. The browsers tested where IE 9, Firefox 12 and Chrome version 32.However, I found some difficulties on controlling the drop shadow effect in IE 9. After doing some research, I found a solution using filter. Here's my simple html markup: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset= "utf-8" /> <title>Chapter 2: Drop shadows on text</title> <link rel= "stylesheet" href= "textshadowGreg.css" /> <!-- --> <!--[if IE ]> <link href="textshadowIE.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <![endif]--> </head> <body> <h1>What is CSS?</h1> <p> Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for de

CSS Pseudo Element Selector ::first-letter Not Working On Mozilla Firefox

I have a css and html markup below using ::first-letter selector. The markup below works in Google Chrome and Internet Explorer which changes the font size, weight and color properties of the first letter but not on Mozilla Firefox. .fourthwrapper ::first-letter { font-size : 200%; font-weight : bold ; color :brown; } <div class= "fourthwrapper" > <p> This is some text within a div with a class of wrapper. </p> </div> The solution would be to change the css code to specify that the first letter of the paragraph should be modified. .fourthwrapper p::first-letter { font-size : 200%; font-weight : bold ; color :brown; }

Custom CheckedListBox DataGridView Column

Here's a working custom control class on how to embed CheckedListBox as a datagridview column. Source: Need a DataGridView Custom Column of Type ListView or CheckedListBox However, this class lacked functionalities such as obtaining the checked items and preserving the checked items during painting of the datagridview cell. Here's the custom class: public class CheckedListBoxColumn : DataGridViewColumn { public CheckedListBoxColumn() : base ( new CheckedListBoxCell()) { } public override DataGridViewCell CellTemplate { get { return base .CellTemplate; } set { if ( value != null && ! value .GetType().IsAssignableFrom( typeof (CheckedListBoxCell))) { throw new InvalidCastException( "Must be a Checke

Append An Element To An Existing XML File (VB.NET)

Here's an example of appending a node to an xml file in VB.NET. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dim doc As New XmlDocument() Dim file As New FileStream( "your_filename" , FileMode.Open) doc.Load(file) Try file.Close() file.Dispose() Dim root As XmlNode = doc.DocumentElement Dim el As XmlElement = doc.CreateElement( "Invoices" , "" ) el.SetAttribute( "Id" , "Test" ) doc.DocumentElement.AppendChild(el) root.InsertBefore(el, doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild) doc.Save( "your_filename" ) Catch ex As Exception Throw ex End Try Cheers!

Remove Extra Spacing In Between NumericUpDownExtender Default Buttons (ASP.NET Ajax)

When integrating NumericUpDown Extender to your apps, there's a wide gap in between the up/down buttons as shown below: The trick to remove the extra space in between NumericUpDownExtender Default Buttons is to replace the doctype declaration in master page from: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> to: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> Note: This DTD contains all HTML elements and attributes, INCLUDING presentational and deprecated elements (like font) as described in w3. So, I believe there are presentational elements or deprecated elements incorporated into this extender. Reference: StackOverflow Cheers!

Append Text To Textfile In FTP Or SFTP Using SSH.NET

Hello, FtpWebRequest in .NET has few dozen bugs and some limitations when communicating to an FTP or perhaps an SFTP server. So, I decided to use SSH.NET which is a 3rd party .NET FTP client. You can use WinSCP or other existing FTP clients out there. Here's a sample code to append text to a textfile located in an FTP or SFTP Server. private void AppendTextToTextFile() { const int port = 22; const string host = "" ; const string username = "greg" ; const string password = "testpassword" ; const string workingdirectory = "/root/files" ; const string uploadfile = @"D:\uploadfile.txt" ; Console.WriteLine( "Creating client and connecting" ); try { using ( var client = new SftpClient(host, port, username, password)) { client.Connect(); Console.WriteLine( "Con

Get All Records Before The Last Inserted Record In SQL Server T-SQL

In a scenario where you want to show all records before the latest injected record, one solution would be to get the latest date or perhaps tha latest primary key field. But, in cases where there is no primary key defined, there's another solution using Row_Number() in SQL Server. See the two queries below: -- option 1 select Production.Product.ProductID, Name as ID from Production.Product where (ProductID < ( Select MAX (ProductID) from Production.Product)) order by ProductID desc ; -- option 2 WITH ProductsView AS ( SELECT ProductID, Name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY ProductID) AS RowNumber From Production.Product ) SELECT ProductID, Name FROM ProductsView WHERE (RowNumber < ( select Max (RowNumber) from ProductsView)) order by ProductID desc ; Reference: Row_Number() in TSQL
