

Unable to cast object of type 'DapperRow' to return Type

Aloha, Given the following code which generates an exception "Unable to cast object of type 'DapperRow", the cause for this is that the return type of FirstOrDefault() dynamic. public Customer FindById( int Id) { return this ._db.Query( "SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CustomerID=@Id" , new { Id = Id }).FirstOrDefault(); } In order to solve this error, you have several options. One is to use Query.<TReturn>() instead of Query() wherein you can explicity specify the type. public Customer FindById(int Id) { return this._db.Query<Customer>( "SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CustomerID=@Id" , new { Id = Id }).FirstOrDefault(); } Another option is to modify the code with issue, that is to store the result of the query in a dynamic variable and then assign the dynamic properties value to the class properties. public Customer FindById( int Id) { dynamic customerRecord = this ._db.Query( "SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CustomerID=@Id&qu

Using Dapper ORM in ASP.NET Web Forms (Visual Basic.NET)

Hi, This is a conversion of this post Using Dapper ORM in ASP.NET WebForm to VB.NET language. Customer.vb Public Class Customer Public Property CustomerID() As Integer Get Return m_CustomerID End Get Set (value As Integer ) m_CustomerID = Value End Set End Property Private m_CustomerID As Integer Public Property CompanyName() As String Get Return m_CompanyName End Get Set (value As String ) m_CompanyName = Value End Set End Property Private m_CompanyName As String Public Property Address() As String Get Return m_Address End Get Set (value As String ) m_Address = Value End Set End Property Private m_Address As String Public Property City() As String Get Return m_City End Get Set (

Using Dapper ORM In ASP.NET Web Forms

Hello, This is a simple tutorial of using Dapper Micro ORM in an ASP.NET Webform application. According to Wikipedia, Dapper is an object-relational mapping (ORM) product for the Microsoft .NET platform: it provides a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a traditional relational database. Its purpose is to relieve the developer from a significant portion of relational data persistence-related programming tasks. The key feature of Dapper is performance as presented in Dapper website (github). It is second to Hand coded SQLDataReader class when querying specific number of records. To get started with, create an Empty ASP.NET WebForm project and then add the Dapper to our project via NuGet. Make sure to alter the connection string in Web.Config to point to your database. Then we need to add one interface and three classes in our Models folder which applies the idea of Repository. Customer.cs public class Customer { public int CustomerID { get ; set ; } publ

ASP.NET Web Forms Multiple Server Validation Controls Wide Space Issue

Good day! When working with multiple server validation controls for one input control, you often encountered wide space gap if the validation controls are placed inside a single container such as div or td such as the sample screenshot below. The solution to remove the wide gap is to set the Display property of the validation controls to Dynamic. <td> <asp:TextBox ID= "txtCreditLimit" runat= "server" Width= "150" /> <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ValidationGroup= "valCustomerEntry" Display= "Dynamic" ID= "regexpName" runat= "server" ErrorMessage= "The value entered is not valid" ControlToValidate= "txtCreditLimit" ValidationExpression= "\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+" ForeColor= "Red" /> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ValidationGroup= "valCustomerEntry" Display= "Dynamic" ID= "RequiredFieldValidator6" runat= "ser

Serialize .NET Classes With Inheritance To XML In C#

Good day! Here's a simple example on how to Serialize .NET classes that applied the concept of Inheritance to XML. Given the model classes below: [Serializable] public class Employee { public int EmployeeId { get ; set ; } public string Name { get ; set ; } public string Address { get ; set ; } } [Serializable] public class Utility : Employee { public string Category { get ; set ; } } [Serializable] public class Supervisor : Employee { public int OverrideCode { get ; set ; } } The code to populate and serialize the objects to XML is presented here using XmlSerializer class: List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>(); Supervisor supervisor1 = new Supervisor(); supervisor1.Name = "Michael" ; supervisor1.Address = "Manila" ; supervisor1.EmployeeId = 11111; supervisor1.OverrideCode = 234; employees.Add(supervisor1); Utility utility1 = new Utility(); utility1.Name = "Erick" ; utility1.Address = "Masba

$.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.addBool() Not Working In ASP.NET MVC 5 CheckBoxFor()

Hello, I was testing the addBool() method of jQuery validation to a CheckBoxFor() which will prevent the form from submitting if the checkbox is unchecked. To my surprise, the JavaScript code below doesn't work. @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery") @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval") <script type= "text/javascript" language= "javascript" > (function ($) { $.validator.addMethod('checkboxrequired', function (value, elem) { var $elem = $(elem); if ($elem.prop('type') == 'checkbox') { if (!$elem.prop('checked')) { return false; } } return true; }); $.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.addBool('checkboxrequired', 'required'); }(jQuery)); </script> After series of investigation, I disc

How To Upload And Publish Visual Studio 2012 Project To GitHub

Hello, In this tutorial, I will demonstrate on how to upload and publish a Visual Studio 2012 project to GitHub. Steps 1 and 2 are needed because editions of Visual Studio (2013 and 2015) has built-in extension for Git. So to start with, perform the detailed steps below. 1. Close all instance of Visual Studio. Download and Install Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 (Latest Update) 2. Download and Install Visual Studio Tools for Git. (Search in 3. Create a sample Repository. (Uncheck Initialize this repository with a README) 4. Copy the url generated by the repository with .git extension. This will be used when you publish the project. 5. Open Sample project to be committed. Right click on the solution and choose Git instead of Team Foundation Version Control. 6. Open Team Explorer via View Menu (View-> Team Explorer). 7. Click Home (Home icon) and then choose Changes. This will open up the project in which you can select files to be Included o

Github Repository (DotNetGenetics)

Hi! Today, I just created a repository account in GitHub .NET Genetics . I'll be adding some snippets and projects posted in this blog or in the .NET Community VBForums. Cheers! :-)

AllowUsersToAddRows In DataGridView Not Working If DataSource is List<T>

Greetings! Going back to a previous project of mine, I found out that some DataGridView control's DataSource where set using List<T> and as a result, prevented the users to add new data to the DataGridView. private void List() { List<Item> list = new List<Item>(); for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { list.Add( new Item() { ID = i, Name = String.Format( "{0}:{1}" , "Test" , i.ToString()) }); } DataGridView1.DataSource = list; } The common solution is to use DataTable as the DataSource but if we want to use a List type object, we could use BindingList<T> or BindingSource. Both of these have AllowNew property which indicates that you can add items to the list using the AddNew() method. It is stated in DataGridView.AllowUsersToAddRows that " If the DataGridView is bound to data, the user is allowed to add rows if both this property and the data source's IBindingList.AllowNew property are set to true. ".Well, Lis

Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: C. Path '', line 0, position 0. (Deserialize JSON String Error In C#)

Hi, A common issue when deserializing a JSON object in C# is to pass the filepath of the JSON file to the Deserialize() method instead of the string content of that file such as the code below. var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Employee>( @"D:\Data\Employee.json" ) When calling the Deserialize() method, you need to make sure that the parameter passed is a JSON string value instead of the file path. Use StreamReader class or File.ReadAllText() to get the content of the JSON file. using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( @"D:\Data\Employee.json" )) { string json = reader.ReadToEnd(); var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Employee>(json); }
